September 18, 2022 started off as a better day than he and I had enjoyed in a long while. We were having a great weekend celebrating our friend's birthday. The day started off with a great shower together {wink-wink} and we were ready to go.
Today we had cars coming to take our group to tour some local breweries & wineries along Route 151, visiting the birthday boy’s (and friend groups') favorite stops. The discussion about my concerns that maybe he was cheating on me from the night with my girlfriend when we were making our matching shirts were nowhere in my mind. We had a blast. Things felt normal. Like the old us.

When we got back to the cabin we flirted as we cooked and played games throughout the night. He was hammered, as expected, but I didn't even mind. He was in a jolly, light mood.
As the night went on, I made plans for a great night of sex. It had been a long time since there'd been a day of built-up anticipation. Little did I know just how wrong I was about the direction my night, and my life, was about to embark on.
As it got late he was in/watching a poker game and I was playing a Jackbox game with the others. He finished first and went to bed, not saying a word to me. When I finished playing I noticed he was MIA, and then heard the snoring-Lord can that man could snore.

I said my good nights with a few laughs and "good lucks" and off to bed I headed. I quickly knew I was going to bed without the “happy ending'' that I anticipated, so I found my pjs and got ready for sleep. I checked my phone that had been charging-we only had my charger, and since I was full decided I would plug his in. I looked on the nightstand, no phone. Dresser. NOPE. All of the sudden it lit up on his chest. WEIRD. I pick it up a it’s a SNAPCHAT. I couldn't resist. All of the sudden all of my bad feelings came rushing back.
I unlock the phone.
Swipe down.
"Neighbor Teacher" emoji of her with him in her thought bubble and "Missing you!”


BOOBS??? July 3, 2002
All weekend he was saying he was with the guys and wishing she were there and then flirting and being with me. Worse, it was the woman whom I intercepted flirting with him June 24th and then an email she sent on the 25th and called her out on. She was not my friend, but she knew he was married and knew me and our family. She taught my son. My son coached her kids.
But I digress. I see her{...}, she knows his snap is active and he has seen her message. Ok, what do I do? Screenshot! Let her puzzle that! I take his phone and take pictures of the entire chat with my phone as I try not to vomit or beat him or wake the entire house.
I re-entered the room and packed all my things. I got a sudden text from one of my dearest friends who couldn't make the getaway-she was up! I tell her what just happened and that I'm trapped, three cars were blocking mine in. She's on the way. Just 55 minutes and I can breathe. I put my stuff on the front porch. I lay down on the couch. One party goers wanders out.
"Snoring too much?"
"Yep”, I reply.
He heads back to bed. I keep looking at the snap conversation. I start digging thru his emails. What else am I missing? How could he? I didn't think I was actually right! I take off my rings. I tiptoe back into the bedroom. I pull up the screenshot of the last message. I set my rings on top of the phone. I stand there looking at this stranger that I thought I knew. This man I'd dedicated my heart, body and soul to for 23 years. This crater I felt forming that I knew was the end.
He let out a large snore bringing me to my senses. Sudden panic. I needed out NOW. If he awakes and I’m standing there I will make a scene. I will wake the house and ruin this joyous weekend for everyone. I hightailed it outside. I grab my suitcase and cooler and head to the top of the driveway where no one could see me. I check Google maps where my friend shared her trip. 10 minutes. I am almost safe.
Suddenly panic like I've never felt starts creeping in. I choke it back. I start pacing. I start thinking of my next steps. I need a plan. I function best with a plan and course of action.
Get him out of the bedroom. He has no where to go. Can't make this bad for the kids. LOOK! The stars. My marriage. Oh my Lord. He's been screwing her. I.......... No. No. No. Plan.
He can move downstairs. Have everything there before he gets home tomorrow.
Let him tell his people. He needs to own his actions. He’s not going to. Man has no spine. Maybe it’s not what you think.
Get confirmation from them both.
a. Email her
b. Text him
All of the sudden my rescuer pulls up. I can’t breathe. I throw my stuff in back. I climb in. I sob.