Can we talk about the other woman(men) that knowingly break up a marriage? Or relationship. The woman my ex cheated with knew me. She knew my kids. My ex coached her kids. My son was friends with her kids. I saw the email she sent after what was the start of of their affair. It was cryptic enough that I believed him when he said she was just embarrassed and apologizing for her drunkenness the night before.
Did you know a wife can sue a mistress for interfering with her marriage in Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. These states allow a civil tort claim called alienation of affection. What does that mean?
Alienation of affection is a common law tort that allows a married person to sue a third party who they believe ruined their marriage.
The elements required to prove a case vary by state.
So many people said that my anger shouldn't be directed at her. My husband was who stepped out. He broke our vows. While true, if I lived 2 hours south, I would have sue the life out of her. Maybe it would have paid for what I had to pay to divorce him. Her husband is a doctor.
Seriously though, when an outside force intentionally inserts themselves into someone's relationship, they are to blame. Your partner ABSOLUTELY is to blame and 100% responsible. They allowed it to happen. They broke their vows to you. However, there is a special place in hell for the Kimbers of the world. The women who think because they are miserable in their lives - their marriage is open, if they have a career it is unimpressive, they aren't as pretty, smart, strong...I am of the opinion that there should be some sort of punishment.

I know my Kimber has no regrets. I have the emails that show that. Yes, I emailed her after finding out. I also have it on good authority she did it to two other women in town. One fled the area out of shame. My Kimber met with my ex in public allowing people to be able to figure out what actually happened between he and I, shortly after our separation became known. They didn't stop speaking. No Shame. For either.
Let's bring back the scarlet letter. An "A" or a "K", doesn't matter to me. And if you don't get the reference, look up the book "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.